The sole function of a slot machine is to redistribute wealth from the poor and stupid to the rich. Nikki is such a slot machine, on Friday she loved herself some fish but on 카지노 사이트 Saturday she wished a side of meat. I performed quantity of} hundred dollars at one on line casino in one evening at a hundred dollars each and misplaced every time, mixing up my bets. I performed eight thousand dollars in 5 hours between three casinos on the Las Vegas strip and misplaced all of it. These locations have an operations room that enables them to regulate the winnings and the losings, from the video games to the rewards playing cards they persuade you join for|to join|to enroll in}, all for them to control you even additional.
The sole function of a slot machine is to redistribute wealth from the poor and stupid to the rich. Nikki is such a slot machine, on Friday she loved herself some fish but on 카지노 사이트 Saturday she wished a side of meat. I performed quantity of} hundred dollars at one on line casino in one evening at a hundred dollars each and misplaced every time, mixing up my bets. I performed eight thousand dollars in 5 hours between three casinos on the Las Vegas strip and misplaced all of it. These locations have an operations room that enables them to regulate the winnings and the losings, from the video games to the rewards playing cards they persuade you join for|to join|to enroll in}, all for them to control you even additional.