By Joshua Yousouph (JhayWrights)

One of the major peculiarities of January, the first month of every year is the fact that almost every one makes new year resolutions or write down specific goals they want to achieve before or during the course of the year. These resolutions and goals cuts across various aspects of human endeavours ranging from Career, Finance, Faith and Family goals. 

NB: If you are yet to write yours, I believe you should do so as soon as you are done reading this piece. Are you clueless on how to go about it? Read this

Now that the new year festivities are over and January winds down, one out of the 12 pages of the year is closed already. Take some time out, bring out that notepad or diary of yours and have a second look at those goals you wrote at the beginning of the year. Which of the boxes have you ticked? 

You might be lucky to have one or two boxes ticked. However, it is also okay not to have anyone figured out yet. You need to take a critical look at those goals again and ask yourself these questions providing sincere answers.

✅  What actions/steps do you need to take to achieve those goals?

✅ What actions/steps have you taken in achieving those goals?

✅ What actions/steps are you yet to take? (Set a Deadline)

✅ What are the challenges currently faced?

✅ How can they be addressed?

📌 Set short-term goals. This could be daily weekly or monthly. 

📌 Get an accountability partner or mentor to always ask, remind or inspire you to take the necessary steps.

Remember, there is no goal too big or small to be achieved. Neither is there any time too long nor short to achieve your goals. 

All you need to do is to: 
Believe in your goals
Consistently take active steps and necessary actions and be
Determined to achieve your goals despite the hurdles you will face.

You don't need to worry, rush or panic. Just take a step at a time. Little but consistent active steps will take you to your desired destination.


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Till we come your way again, Stay Motivated.


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