WHO AM I? (5 Steps to Self Realization)


By Joshua Yousouph (JhayWrights)

Have you ever asked this question before? This question is obviously directed to one self due to the personal pronoun “I”. Aside from rhetoric, every question requires an answer(s).  With some level of certainty, about 90 percent (If not all) of you reading this has either asked, seen, or heard this question before. The peculiarity of this question goes beyond just mere asking but requires a conscious provision of sincere answers. These answers go beyond what you think your name, race, and status is.

Our everyday life is replete with asking others who they think they are. For instance, when you meet a friend or colleague for the first time, it is normal to ask questions like “Can I meet you? What do you do? Where do you live? etc.”. These questions all center on trying to know WHO they are. When asked vice versa, you always try to paint a picture of WHO you think you are. But the real question is "Who truly are you? 

This question, unfortunately, requires answers beyond your parent or self-given name, race or status attained. However, it encapsulates your PRESENT and your FUTURE. These two variables can only be reconciled by what your PURPOSE on earth is. The question “WHO AM I?” addresses your PURPOSE.

When addressing Purpose, a popular Myles Munroe Quote comes to mind which states that “When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.” Purpose, as it relates to mankind, refers to the major assignments and impacts you were destined to achieve or make during your existence on earth. Naturally, society subtly forces us to believe what our parents, soothsayers, friends, or others say we are. 

For instance, I was forced (though unconsciously ) to believe that my first name is "Joshua" who was born in a middle-class family in Nigeria. But, "AM I TRULY WHO I BELIEVE I AM?" (Such narrative can and must be changed). This implies that ONLY you have the power to DECIDE or DETERMINE WHO you REALLY are based on WHO you BELIEVE you are. (Please read that again and let it sink).

The Holy Writ says "You are who you think you are" (See here). Your MINDSET determines "Who you are" and "Who you would be". You would then like to ask, How can I give real answers to the million-dollar question- "WHO AM I?" (Self Realization). You will need to ask yourself the questions below and give sincere answers to them.

1. WHO do I currently think I am?

This culminates what you have been forced to believe you are in name, race, and status.

2. Am I comfortable with the answers from Question 1?

The answer I expect from you at this point should be NO! a capital one. Never settle for where you are even if you're in the Sky. There's always a need and opportunities to move higher.

3. WHO do I want to be?

This question addresses your aspirations and dreams. Remember to always aim high. 

4. WHAT am I faced with to get to Question 3?

This includes your strengths and weakness, opportunities and threats.

5. How do I get to Question 3?

Proper planning of short and long-term goals backed up with unrelenting efforts to achieve them.

If you can give sincere and practical answers to the questions above, I am sure without any doubt that you already have answers to the question "WHO AM I?" Remember you will be WHO you THINK (Mindset) and DETERMINE (Actions) to be.


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Till we come your way again, Stay Motivated.


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