By Joshua Yousouph (JhayWrights)
One cool evening, a little boy decided to take a walk to the river bank to play with his friends. As a young little champ, he couldn't resist the enticement of his friends so he joined them in playing football which was one of the most fascinating activities at the river bank.
Within minutes, he got so engrossed with the fun of kicking, dribbling, throwing and catching of the ball. A great shootout in a bid to aim at the goal post was suddenly intercepted by one of the boys. Then the ball went so high in the air and landed on the river.
Still in the spirit of the great excitement derived from the football activity, the little boy without hesitation, ran after the ball, just as fast as his tiny legs could go and dived into the river to get the floating ball. Just before he could understand what was happening, he was already at a great distance with seconds into the river as the ball kept floating, following the tide of the river.
He tried to catch up by swimming as fast as he could to get the ball until he suddenly slumped and lost balance in the water.
His protruding stomach was already filled with water as his friends by the river bank watched the scene helplessly and were terrified, noticing the situation was already getting out of hand.
One of the little boys ran speedily within split seconds to the little boy's home to beckon on the mother. With great fear, the mother dashed out with her wrapper tied around her chest to the river bank to rescue her only child. This time, they could only see his hands faintly in the water struggling for balance and beckoning for help.
Without much ado, the mother dived into the waters not minding the looseness of her wrapper and hurriedly aimed at the hands of the drowning little boy, grabbed and pulled him out with all the available strength in her.
With great LOVE in her eyes, she kissed his tired-looking face and with much excitement and relief she immediately got back to the river bank with her son wrapped tightly on her back.
In the light of the short story above, the sacrificial display of Love (as portrayed by the mother of the little boy) is the greatest virtue through which our existence, greatest convictions, spiritual gifts and blessings are made available and obtained. The absolute, unconditional and sacrificial agape love of God was intially displayed right from the book of Genesis by creating us (man) in his own image and likeness. It was consummated by his excruciating sacrifice of laying down his own life for the salvation and propitiation of our sin for our redemption and eternal rest in his heavenly abode.
This is indeed the greatest expression of LOVE. Like the little helpless drowning boy, the LOVE of Christ lifted us from the shackles of Sin, satan, sickness, shame and life's disappointments, depression, diseases, demons & devils; to reconciliation, redemption,resucitation,revival and make you ready for the rapture and resurrection morning.
His love lifts us when the sacrifices of animals, money, good deeds etc couldn't help. It will be sheer wickedness to neglect this love or reciprocate this love with sheer hatred, rejection or adamancy; but rather take a decision and determination now and have a rethink to retrace your steps and repent or reconsecrate your life to God and remain in his righteousness till your eternal rest in heaven.
"Love lifted me
"When nothing else could help
"Love lifted me!"
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